Wednesday, January 21, 2009

So What If You Just Don't Like Him?

I would like to call your attention to this blog posting from the Libertarian Republican

In essence, Tom Brokaw now is saying that if you Hate Obama you are a Bigot or a Redneck.

So what if you just distrust him with the same dose of distrust you had for Bush? What if you just cannot stand being brainwashed and told what to think?

Well, if that makes me a Redneck....


crystal said...

I know. Did you check out the little tiff I had with a commenter over at my place? Geeze. They had their time to bitch,, now it's ours and we're not even bitching that much.

Charmingia Hardassia said...

I plan to write more about this stuff when I have time to really think it out... I just have no time lately to think, let alone think out!