Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Crock Pots Rock, and other midweek mind drip

I think I am in love with Hamilton. He is a a steely, sleek creature, with a tightly sealed gasket and a gentle heat that warms you up so gradually you don't even know that you are in him, a part of him, till you are roasting. He smells wonderful, and is very dependable - you just tell him what you want him to do for how long and he does it. What more could a girl want? ( Oh they SHOULD pay me for this, this was good hehe)

Of course Hamilton's last name is Beach, and he's a crock pot. A big 6 quart programmable hunk of appliance that has been feeding my family since pseudo hubby brought him home Saturday. First we had a huge beef stew, then a roast chicken. Today, I am making soup from the chicken's remains. I have found lasagna recipes for him that I can't wait to try.

In other news. its cold and snowing in NW ohio, surprise. On one of my boards, there is a big discussion going on about men in pantyhose. Now, I can understand wanting something under your dress pants for long underwear in this climate that doesn't bulk up, male or female. However, while I like pantyhose for dress occaisions, under pants they do make me perspire ( OK, sweat like a pig... I'm a menopausal woman, what do you want) and that is not comfortable.

What I would like to find, for either sex, is cotton/lyrca tights with feet that are absorbant. I have taken to wearing those 5 dollar wal mart cutsie kidd tights under my pants instead of synthetic materials or bulky waffle weave long johns but without feet, they ride up the calf. I want ones with feet. They need to be 90% COTTON and 10% spandex for everyday comfort. I wonder where I can get them.

well happy tuesday.....

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