Thursday, January 22, 2009

I always feel like.. Somebody's watching me....

And apparently, we had no privacy...

OK, now call me stupid... but I suspect, given the state of things, that these "secret rooms" were used for things that had little to do with terrorism. Just like they stopped that little old woman in the wheelchair for purse searches at the security points in the airports, while letting that big arabian looking guy with ' allah ackbar" on his tshirt through, without a second glance, I am sure that there is going to be a pooload of garbage trailing from this particular galley on the good ship NSA.

The problem with such things is that, when a "terrorist" is not clearly defined, we ALL become the terrorists, if we happen to dissagree. I have plenty of friends both conservative and liberal of late who rail, sometimes quite angrily, against the government. Are our communications, webposts, emails, and phone calls stored in some NSA Database? Probably. I have suspected I'm on some kind of list for some time.

There was a time when most of us assumed " Terrorist" meant a sweaty, shifty muslim fundamentlist with blood in his eye and a bomb in his shoe. Perhaps an IRA gun runner, or a soviet supporter of communism.. certainly it was never Bernie Madoff, ( Have you ever wondered about his last name... mad off... made... off...) though it damn well should have been.

So, it will be quite interesting to see what comes of this story. I have a feeling that there will be a lot of unemployed NSA telecommunications workers soon.

Maybe they can get a job with the new adminstrations bullcrap program, .. if they are not white men that is. After all, there are no disenfranchised, unemployed or underemployed white men... nah. None at all.

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