Sunday, January 18, 2009

UPDATED Sprouted Wheat Bread!

OK.. a couple of comments on how to make the sprouted wheat bread.

First. When you sprout the wheat, make sure it doesnt get TOO sprouted. If it is, that will ruin the bread, it will taste like cooked grass, yech.

Second. GREASE THE PAN. Crystal uses Pam, I use lard shortening, both work.

Third.. I think that honey is far superior to molasses as a sweetener. Your opinion may differ.

Fourth... mix 1 cup of the milk with the sprouted wheat in a blender or food processer and pulverize it. This will make your dough much more gluteny like real bread, and makes a really nice tasting loaf.

We were going to take a picture of it.. but it got eaten too fast!

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