Tuesday, January 20, 2009

So Just WHAT is middle class?

With all of the class envy and racial remarks spawned by todays inauguration speech, I am right now giving thought to who I am in the New American Order.

First of all, I know I am white. According to the Benediction of the Coronation of the One, I need to be prayed for to " do whats right" not for any advancement or fairness to be doled out to me by the spiritual powers above, or by this government. So I already know that because of my skin color I am now considered lacking in a moral compass. Check.

But the the thing that confuses me is the comment about how our ancestors , those of us alive today, either were Rich Opressors, or felt the sting of the lash, or worked in sweatshops.

So you were either the evil overlord ( translation white) or you were the oppressed poor ( translation blacks and other minorities).

My ancestors were neither. They were Mennonites , who had nothing to do with the industrial culture, or they were Quakers, who while some of them were rich, were all actively involved in ending slavery and its oother socially opressive cultures.

So, ancestrally, I don't fit in to the New Day.

Now, how about where I am economically now? According to this chart;

I am middle class. Well then, why do I not have all the things associated with the middle class? I don't have the hairdo, I don't have the nails, I don't have the lexus, I don't have the country club membership. I don't have the big comfortable house. I don't have the savings. i don't have the investments. I don't have the wardrobe. I don't have the jewlrey. I don't have the land. I struggle to pay the bills

Now, I'm not complaining I have what I have. But according to that chart, me and mine are middle class. Are they going to decide that I need to give up more? Because if I have to give up more that I don't have, I reckon the three of us will sleep in a one bedroom apartment, ride a bike to work, and live on rice. Are they going to take my Saturday Beef Stew and give it to someone on foodstamps, by taxing beef out of my budget? Are they going to take my sunday Pizza and force me to buy one for donation to the poor?

Or.. am I the poor? Am I going to be given handouts of milk and honey by the new administration? Will they give me free healthcare? Big tax credits on my income tax? A chicken in my pot and 40 acres and a mule?

Probably not.. after all, I'm one of THEM... a white person.

Time to change my name to Hiawatha Tushfeather. I Am now one of the opressed! Give me my entitlement damn it, so I can build a casino and fleece all the other opressed! God Bless America!!!!

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