Ok then. I don't think this comes as a real surprise. We knew the Democrats, Obama, ect, would all be against faith, particularly Christianity. However, I didn't think they would act so quickly to begin to make Christianity, if not illegal, impossible to continue in the form we currently know it as.
Christians know that persecution is nothing new. However, I have to wonder if Christians in America today can handle it. For so long, we have had it so good. Many of the people who sit in the pews of a Sunday Morning would not hesitate to drop a dime on their God if not doing so meant loosing their jobs, homes, or families. I'll be honest, I would protect my family over my ability to be public about any faith. Perhaps that makes me a blasphemer, an infidel, destined for hell, but the safety of my daughter and family comes before my ideals. I don't know if that is a character flaw or if its sensible.
As I watch the sunshine of God's blessing receding from our land, I worry. I am sure I am part of the problem: There are those who would say I have, by being willing to disobey on certain points to protect my family, elevated the family to idol status, and have lost my salvation becuase of that. I don't agree, but what's an opinon besides a bag of elbows? Whether a mass scale return to obediance on the part of believers in this country would keep the wolves of recession and social unrest from our doors remains to be seen, but I guarentee it won't happen that way. What WILL happen is that as the Believers become hyper obediant and inherently start to hyper scrutinze each other, the country will polarize more than it already is, which can only lead to war.
Several states have already published, or re-released, manifestos as it were for abandoning the United States Union should certain constitutional privisios be upturned. The day is coming fast when we shall see states or even parts of states become unsafe for some types.. all the hippies move to Frisco, all the Mormons move back to Utah, ect
Where will we go, what shall we eat, how shall we live? Will God take care of the sparrows, or will the sparrows have to prove their faith by REAL suffering and dying?
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